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Dr. Meg Mill on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

Headaches and the Problem with Conventional Treatments with Dr. Meg Mill

Dr. Meg Mill is an online functional medicine practitioner focused on helping women suffering from chronic migraines. Over 50% of the population experience consistent headaches ...
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Dr. Donese Worden on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

Aging Gracefully with Dr. Donese Worden

Dr. Donese Worden is a Naturopathic doctor and a global health educator. She helps senior women regain sexual vigor and reminds you that menopause is ...
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Rachel Varga on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

Effective Tips for Radiant Skin with Rachel Varga

Today’s guest is Rachel Varga BScN, RN, CANS. She is a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse specialist and has performed over 20,000 procedures. In this ...
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Dr. Elena Villanueva on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

How Trauma Affects the Body with Dr. Elena Villanueva

Our understanding of trauma is evolving. Dr. Elena Villanueva uses both science and spirituality to treat chronic illness, mental health conditions and neurodegenerative diseases that ...
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Dr. Marianne Marchese on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

Toxin Exposures and Their Impact on Our Health and Hormones with Dr. Marianne Marchese

You may be unknowingly consuming dangerous chemicals in your everyday life. Unfortunately, our food, water, and personal care products are the primary culprits, often containing ...
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Dr. Hyla Cass on The Woman's Doctor Podcast

How our Hormones and NTs Impact Mood with Dr. Hyla Cass

With over 30 years of experience in integrative medicine, psychiatry, and addiction recovery, today’s guest, Dr. Hyla Cass, exposes the dangers of overmedicating in modern ...
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 Copyright and distribution info: The contents of The Spa Dr. website, The Woman’s Doctor  Podcast, and The Woman’s Doctor show notes are all copyrighted, The Spa Dr. LLC.  All blog posts, podcasts, and show notes that are distributed to the public for free can be re-distributed via hard copy or electronic copy for free ONLY if “The Spa Dr. LLC” is included as the acknowledged author within the actual media that is re-distributed.

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