Today, Dr. AnnAlisa Behling shares her own story of conquering infertility and balancing her hormones. After introducing dimethylglycine supplements into her diet she actually accomplished the improbable and conceived in her 40s. Seeing such a dramatic shift in her own health inspired her to help women also suffering from hormonal imbalance. As a naturopathic doctor, she is helping women create balance in their minds, bodies, and spirit to find peace and beauty within. Even if your hormones are perfectly balanced, your gut, how you feel, and your beliefs all must coalesce for optimal health.
Many women today are struggling to be outspoken about mental and bodily discomfort which leads to prolonged suffering. Most women come to Dr. Behling as a final act of desperation because women are taught that discomfort, PMS, infertility, acne and a long list of ailments are a normal part of female life. The more we can speak openly and honestly about the true nature of female health we are uncovering the beauty of the female experience.
In this episode, Dr. Behling teaches women how to get in touch with their own intuition. Our cycles are a beautiful superpower that is full of untapped potential. There is no such thing as a normal cycle, so she is teaching women to recognize the beauty of their own daily, weekly, or even seasonal hormonal changes.
Mentioned in This Episode